Climate change vulnerability and risk assessments provide decision-makers with critical information about the potential impacts of climate change and the most effective ways to adapt to these impacts. Using vulnerability and risk assessments to inform planning and decision-making can ensure that resources are allocated effectively and efficiently, and that adaptation measures are targeted to the areas, populations, and systems that are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Along with undertaking provincial-scale and regional-scale risk and resilience assessments, CRI supports governments and organizations in developing frameworks for addressing risk, mainstreaming adaptation into decision-making, identifying and prioritizing opportunities, and evaluating the cost-effectiveness of adaptation options.
Climate Change Vulnerability and Risk Assessments
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Assessing Climate Change Risk and Resilience in the Yukon
Working with the Government of Yukon and the Northern Climate ExChange at Yukon College, CRI developed a risk assessment methodology that could be applied in the Yukon. The project included: a literature review of potential risk assessment methodologies that documented key features, benefits and lessons/constraints for application in the Yukon; development of a risk assessment framework/methodology; and, recommendations for how the framework could be scaled…
Government of Nunavut’s Climate Change Risk and Resiliency Assessment
Throughout the development of a tailored climate change risk and resiliency assessment (CCRRA) methodology for the Government of Nunavut (GN), several phases of work were completed to inform the process. First a detailed work plan was developed to guide the two-year project to ensure clear timelines, roles and responsibilities across the project team, project authority team,…
Advancing Alberta’s Regional Risk Assessment
This project developed and tested a climate change risk assessment methodology that built on learnings from other Government of Alberta risk assessments and incorporated best practices and emerging trends in climate change adaptation. The methodology was tested by assessing a regional climate risk to demonstrate the benefits and drawbacks of the approach and its application.…
Assessing Vulnerability to Climate Change in a Northwestern Ontario Forest Region (2018–2020)
The Climate Risk Institute applied a climate change vulnerability assessment and adaptation planning framework to the Black Spruce Forest in northwestern Ontario, which is managed by Resolute Forest Products. The framework used was developed by the Canadian Council of Forest Ministers Climate Change Task Force. The aim of the project was to i) identify how…
Assessing Climate Change Risk on Abandoned or Orphaned Mine Sites in Ontario, Yukon and Northwest Territories (2018–2020)
In partnership with the Northern Climate ExChange at Yukon College, the aim of this project was to identify climate change risks applicable to abandoned mines in Canada. Specifically, the project involved reviewing rehabilitation plans and documents for a selection of abandoned or orphaned mine sites to determine whether or how they account for climate change,…
Coordinating Efforts for a Regional Chapter in the National Assessment on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation (2017–2022)
The Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Division of Natural Resources Canada coordinated a national-scale assessment of the state of knowledge on climate change impacts, risks and adaptation in Canada. As part of these efforts, a series of six chapters will be developed that address regional priorities for impacts and adaptation. The Climate Risk Institute, in…