Through its various projects and initiatives, the Climate Risk Institute hosts free online webinars with leading climate change experts, highlighting the latest topics and research. Below you will find information on upcoming webinars, as well as recordings of past webinars, some of which were hosted under CRI’s predecessor, the Ontario Centre for Climate Impacts and Adaptation Resources (OCCIAR).

Upcoming Webinars
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Past Webinars
PIEVC Webinar: Leveraging information from climate scenarios for robust infrastructure planning
Presenter: Trevor Murdock, Manager of Data and Products at Canadian Centre for Climate Services This webinar addressed the common question that comes up during risk assessments: “which climate change scenario should I pick?”. A brief refresher on climate change scenarios in use on climate change data portals was followed by an overview of the current and emerging issues relevant to this question. The presentation was followed by discussion about how to address this issue in risk assessments (and design) by making a connection to risk tolerance. The two Learning Zone articles posted below provide additional background on shared socio-economic pathways…
Read MoreWebinar: Risk and Return on Investment Tool (RROIT)
Moderator: Kirsten MacMillan, B.A.Sc., B.A., E.I.T., Climate and Engineering Analyst, Climate Risk Institute (CRI) Presenters: Christine Zimmer, M.Sc (Eng), P.Eng. Chief Specialist, Watershed Projects Division, Credit Valley Conservation Authority (CVC) Kerri Robinson, P.Eng, Water Resources Engineer, EOR Description: The Risk and Return on Investment Tool (RROIT) is a multi-flood hazard decision-support tool that helps municipalities, property owners, investors and watershed agencies manage their flood-related risks. The new RROIT Water Quality Module is useful for municipalities conducting long-range planning and cost estimating for stormwater pond maintenance. The Water Quality Module evaluates the sediment accumulation in stormwater ponds. RROIT uses data many…
Read MoreOnline Training for agricultural producers, stewardship organizations, and conservation authorities in the Grey, Bruce, and Huron counties
The Climate Risk and Resiliency Training Collaborative, presented by Climate Risk Institute (CRI) with support from Ontario Agri-Food Research Initiative (OAFRI) will be hosting three training sessions in January. The sessions are tailored specifically for agricultural producers, organizations, and conservation authorities in the Grey, Bruce, and Huron counties and will cover a variety of topics including climate hazards and data, vulnerability, adaptation strategies, and best management practices. January 23, 2023, 1-3 pm EST – Regional Climate Data and Application in Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Response Planning Stewardship and conservation of farmland and natural spaces in Grey, Bruce and Huron counties requires…
Read MoreTransportation: Adapting to a Changing Climate Webinar Series
Transport Canada’s Transportation: Adapting to the Changing Climate Webinar Series communicates and advances climate change adaptation knowledge, understanding, and capacity in Canada’s transportation sector. Les présentations sont en anglais seulement Webinar 1: What the ISO14090 standard means for building climate resilience in Canada’s transportation sector February 13, 2023 Presenter: Professor John Dora, University of Birmingham The transport sector has been impacted due to a variety of extreme weather events (e.g. hurricanes, tornados, etc.), as well as slower onset impacts (e.g. changes in temperature, sea level, etc.), and there are multiple lines of evidence that these impacts are expected to increase in…
Read MoreWebinar: Ontario Chapter of Canada in a Changing Climate: Regional Perspectives Report
Wednesday, August 17, 2022 12:00pm – 1:30pm EDT This webinar will follow the official release of the Ontario Chapter of the Regional Perspectives Report. Hear directly from the authors about how climate change is affecting Ontario, and how communities and sectors are increasingly taking action to adapt. The Regional Perspectives Report, led by Natural Resources Canada, provides an overview of climate change impacts and adaptation in Canada by region. It is part of the National Assessment Process, Canada in a Changing Climate: Advancing our Knowledge for Action, also led by Natural Resources Canada, that assesses how and why Canada’s climate is changing; the impacts of…
Read MorePIEVC Webinar Series: Climate Change Vulnerability and Risk Assessments for Infrastructure
The PIEVC Program Alliance is pleased to announce the launch of the PIEVC Practitioner’s Network through the upcoming Climate Change Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Infrastructure Webinar Series and Global Forum. The Public Infrastructure Engineering Vulnerability Committee (PIEVC) Protocol was developed to assist engineers in factoring climate change impacts into plans for design, operation, and maintenance of infrastructure and buildings. The community of PIEVC practitioners is rapidly growing across Canada and the world, and practices are evolving. This Practitioners’ Network will create new connections among individuals and organizations and engender a renewed sense of shared purpose for those whose practice involves…
Read MoreWebinar: Get to Know the New Canadian Center for Climate Service’s Interactive Map of Adaptation Actions
March 25, 2022 Decision-makers and adaptation practitioners across Canada have identified the need for accessible examples of climate change adaptation actions, from others that have faced similar issues, as a key tool when incorporating climate change considerations into their work. The new Map of Adaptation Actions aims to address this need by providing interactive, one-stop-shop for examples of climate change adaptation from across Canada, including examples from the national assessment process, Canada in a Changing Climate: Advancing our Knowledge for Action. Click here to access the map. This 60 minute session is entirely dedicated to exploring the features, functionalities and…
Read MoreWebinar: Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI)’s Forest Management Standard
March 30, 2022 The Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) is an organization committed to improving the practice of forestry on all forestlands in North America. The most recent revisions to their “SFI Forest management standard (2022)” included 2 new objectives titled that are focused significantly on forest management adaptation to climate change. Climate Smart Forestry (Objective 9) requires SFI certified organizations to understand the climate risks to the forests they own or manage, develop adaptation plans to reduce and mitigate those risks, and ensure their management strategies are adapted to ensure the long-term sustainability of their forests and operations in the…
Read MoreWebinar: Building a Resilient Canada
February 8, 2022 1:00pm – 2:00pm EST Join us for a webinar on Building a Resilient Canada, a new expert panel report from the Council of Canadian Academies (CCA). / Rejoignez-nous pour une présentation de Bâtir un Canada résilient, un nouveau rapport d’un comité d’experts du Conseil des académies canadiennes (CAC). Around the world, disasters are becoming more frequent and severe ― a trend that is only expected to intensify as the climate changes in the coming decades. In a future with more extreme weather events, the resilience of individuals, communities, and infrastructure will be tested. The decisions made today will determine…
Read MoreWebinar – Climate Change Information Products for Agriculture in Grey, Bruce and Huron Counties of Southern Ontario
April 29, 2021 Presentations by: Anna Zaytseva (BA, MSc), Advisory and Technical Services Liaison, Climate Risk Institute Kirsten MacMillan (BASc, BA, EIT), Climate and Engineering Analyst, Climate Risk Institute Description: Understanding the state of climate change science in the Great Lakes and the impacts of the changing climate on various sectors and ecosystems in the region has been the focus of a study led by Bruce Power, the Council of the Great Lakes Region (CGLR) and the Climate Risk Institute (CRI). The project has been scoped to assess climate change impacts, risks and opportunities with respect to three areas of…
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