Archive for November 2023
Climate Services Methods and Tools for Agriculture Training for Cameroon
Together with Canada’s Technical Assistance Partnership (TAP) Expert Deployment Mechanism, Alinea International, CRI and Climalogik worked collaboratively with Cameroon’s National Observatory on Climate Change (ONACC) to deliver the Climate Services Methods and Tools for Agriculture Training Course to strengthen the technical capacity of ONACC to conduct climate modelling. The purpose of this training is to…
Read MoreErik Sparling, B.A.(Sc), M.A
Erik was among the three Founding Directors prior to joining CRI in his current role as Vice President. He has 15 years’ experience providing and overseeing delivery of research, analysis, training, and decision-support services for the management of climate-related risks across various infrastructure and natural resource sectors. He has delivered these services as Policy Advisor at the…
Read MoreAl Douglas, B.Sc. (Chemistry), Chartered Chemist (Ontario), MBA
Al Douglas was among the three Founding Directors. He is the past President of the Climate Risk Institute. Since 2002 he has been developing and delivering adaptation resources to domestic and international decision-makers. Al played leading roles in two regional vulnerability assessments in Ontario and co-authored an ecosystems vulnerability assessment guidebook for Ontario. He has…
Read MoreHarris Switzman, P. Geo., MASc., ENV SP
Harris Switzman is a professional geoscientist with a masters in hydroclimatology and a graduate diploma in environment, water and health. He is currently the General Manager of Environment and Sustainability for the Calgary Airport Authority and is a Envision Sustainability Professional. He has been involved in climate risk management since 2010 with a variety of…
Read MoreBronwyn Hancock, PhD.
Dr. Bronwyn Hancock is the Vice-Provost, Academic & Research for Yukon University. She leads the research portfolio at Yukon University, Canada’s first university north of sixty, where growth in research leadership across the university is an integral part of the university’s strategic plan. Dr. Hancock is passionate about ensuring that Yukon University is a place…
Read MorePaul J Payette Ph.D., MBA
Paul J Payette PhD MBA, A/Director of Business Development, Human Health Therapeutics Research Centre, National Research Centre, National Research Council of Canada. Dr. Payette is the acting Director of Business Development, Human Health Therapeutics Research Centre at the National Research Council of Canada. He has more than 20 years of combined experience and training in…
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