David Lapp
David Lapp FCAE FEC P.Eng is an Ontario-registered professional engineer with over 40 years of professional practice – first in consulting engineering, scientific investigation and management consulting supporting marine navigation in Canadian and international ice-covered waters, followed by a career in a variety of roles with Engineers Canada for 23 years until his retirement in May 2020. His roles at Engineers Canada included international affairs, engineering qualifications and engineering practice guidelines with a focus on climate change, environment and sustainability.
David served as the Project Manager for the development, implementation and on-going program support for the PIEVC Protocol, a structured process to assess infrastructure climate risks and vulnerabilities. His work entailed the development, testing and validation of the Protocol through more than 30 case studies across Canada, and the development and delivery of more than 40 introductory training workshops. His involvement included applications of the Protocol internationally in Costa Rica, Honduras and the suite of the countries engaged in the GIZ Climate Services for Infrastructure Investment.
Between 2007 and 2015, David served as the Secretary for the World Federation of Engineering Organization’s Committee on Engineering and the Environment for Engineers Canada focusing on climate change, environment and infrastructure issues at the international level. He continues to volunteer on the Committee as Engineers Canada’s representative. He has served as a WFEO representative at several UNFCCC COPs as well as intersessional sessions, assisting in the delivery of numerous workshops on engineering and climate change.
David is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineers and a Fellow of Engineers Canada. In 2018 he was given an Award for Engineering Excellence from Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) for his work on climate change and engineering as well as an Engineering Excellence Award in the same year from the PEO Ottawa Chapter.