Climate Smart Policy and Procurement

An Infrastructure Resilience Professional (IRP) Online Course
This course equips engineers and other infrastructure professionals with foundational awareness of procurement processes, as well as knowledge of critical climate policies and their implications for procurement. The course provides insight into how climate policies and resilience can be reflected in procurement processes, contributing to greater infrastructure resilience to changing climate conditions.
The Climate Risk Institute is excited to announce that our suite of courses that make up the Infrastructure Resilience Professional (IRP) Credential is moving to a new platform in collaboration with Royal Roads University. Our courses will now be hosted on the Moodle Platform where you will be able to find all course material and engage in discussions and knowledge sharing with other participants and instructors. The courses are a blend of synchronous sessions (where you will join live Zoom meetings once per week) and asynchronous content where instructors have recorded lecture content and readings that you can complete on your own schedule.
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Upcoming Course Offerings
Visit Royal Roads University for upcoming start dates. This course is offered regularly over throughout the year. Registration and payment are through our partner website at Royal Roads University. You’ll need to create a Royal Roads account if you don’t have one.
Registration and upcoming dates.
Course Fee
$795 plus applicable taxes
Fees cover online course instruction and presentation materials in pdf format. Participants will be provided access to course materials one week prior to the beginning of the Course. This training is intended for individual instruction, not for groups under a single registration.
The course designed to fulfill one of the knowledge requirements of the Infrastructure Resilience Professional (IRP) Credentialling Program, but it can also be taken as a stand-alone course for professional development credits
Course Description
The course looks to examine opportunities to integrate concepts of climate change adaptation and resilience into procurement practices, and to understand overarching climate change adaptation and resilience policy drivers at multiple scales to accelerate the development of climate-ready infrastructure.
Participants will learn how to understand and interpret procurement frameworks, processes, and instruments, and to develop or respond to procurement processes for infrastructure in a way that integrates climate resilience and aligns with climate-related policies. It will examine procurement and its intersections with resilient infrastructure and communities from two distinct perspectives: the entities initiating procurement processes to solicit infrastructure services, and the bidders responding to these processes.
A wide range of procurement-related documents ranging from recommended guidelines to requirements are rolling out from various levels of governments, non-profits, and large corporations. This course helps make sense of these changes for infrastructure planning. Participants will gain insights into climate-smart procurement strategies including evaluation criteria, key language, and other considerations.
The course includes training modules customized for those interested in resilient infrastructure procurement integrating various perspectives to help engineers, procurement professionals and other technical experts address climate impacts with appropriate adaptation solutions through procurement frameworks.
In taking this course, participants will develop:
- An increased understanding of key climate mitigation, risk management, adaptation, resiliency and infrastructure policies at multiple scales, and relate these back to procurement;
- An increased understanding of key, relevant stages of procurement processes, reviewing various types and approaches to procurement, including public private partnerships (P3’s/PPP’s);
- A basic understanding of progress around the integration of sustainability in procurement, and gaps and progress relating specifically to infrastructure resilience;
- Practical knowledge through the introduction of case studies that demonstrate good practice around resilience and infrastructure, as implemented through procurement processes or policies;
- Increased understanding of strategies and approaches for incorporating climate change infrastructure risk and resilience in various procurement-related scenarios; and,
- Insights related to the proactive integration of climate change adaptation and resilience principles and practices within procurement processes.
This professional development course is virtual and aims to educate infrastructure professionals on policy and procurement issues and the associated implications on their practice. The course is required as part of the Infrastructure Resilience Professional (IRP) Credentialling Program, but it can also be taken as a stand-alone course for professional development. The IRP certification recognizes an individual’s additional knowledge in planning, designing and managing resilient infrastructure and building assets and their components in the face of extreme weather and our changing climate. Click here for more information about the IRP Credentialling Program.
The course is divided into five modules:
- Module 1 provides a case for resilient infrastructure, looks at climate policy as it relates to procurement and begins to review why procurement is key to resilient infrastructure.
- Module 2 looks at the procurement processes and frameworks identifying opportunities for adaptation and resilience.
- Module 3 focuses on challenges and opportunities for larger projects and explores the case for Public Private Partnerships (PPPs/P3s) for the procurement of climate-resilient infrastructure.
- Module 4 explores the assessment of climate resilience requirements and criteria from both the public and private sector perspectives.
- Module 5 examines the post-procurement phase, including contract and project Monitoring, and key performance indicators.
Module 0
Module 0 – Climate Change 101 is intended to provide a foundation on the fundamentals of climate change to prepare participants for upcoming modules and support their progression in the IRP program. This module will ensure that students can understand components of the global climate system; understand basics of climate modeling and how climate has changed in the past and present, have an understanding of climate impacts and risks, and understand relationship between climate change, climate risk and infrastructure systems. It is recommended that candidates complete this module in advance of their first course.
Each week will follow a similar format. An introductory video will set the stage for the week ahead. Weekly readings and pre-recorded lectures introduce new concepts and information, and students are prompted to engage with and test that knowledge via discussion board questions, activities, and quizzes. The weekly modules will wrap up with a live session with the lead instructor, where learners can expect a mix of presentations, review of key concepts, case study and scenario explorations, and facilitated discussions.
Course Assessment
The assessment framework for all IRP courses allocates 30% of final grade to each of discussion forum participation, final assignment or task, and a short multiple choice final exam. 10% of student mark is allocated to live session participation. Exams and final assignments are to be completed within a week of the final live sessions.
The final or summative task is not designed to be long, however, we are looking for IRP candidates and all students to demonstrate application of the concepts and knowledge gained through the readings and live sessions. Students have opportunity to submit their short in their preferred format (e.g. 2-page document, or 7-10 slides).
Meet the Instructors!

Doreen Wong, B.A., B.COMM., LL.B., CRIO, PMP, SCMP (Candidate) at Robinson Global Management Inc.
Doreen is the Vice President and a Principal Consultant of Robinson Global Management Inc. (RGM), a boutique multidisciplinary consulting firm. RGM, a proud Certified Women Business Enterprise (WBE), was the recipient of WBE’s 2021 Supplier of the Year for demonstrated excellence in business growth, impact on the economy and dedication to supporting other women owned businesses. She is a leading practitioner in Canadian public sector, infrastructure, information technology and public private partnership (P3/PPP) procurements. Read more…

Megan Gereghty, BES., MES., MCIP., RPP
Megan Gereghty is a Climate Change Adaptation Planner with the Climate Risk Institute. As a Registered Professional Planner, Megan is passionate about climate change adaptation and resilient community development. Megan has experience and expertise in development, land use and policy planning projects. Her work focuses on the advancement of climate change adaptation training for planners. Read more…