Webinar: Transportation Asset Risk Assessment: Climate Risk Assessment Tools and Frameworks for the Transportation Sector
March 22, 2021
Gary St. Michel, P.Eng, Technical lead for Tetra Tech’s Vancouver Asset Management group
Presenting on behalf of Public Services and Procurement Canada
Vincent Leys, MSc, P.Eng, PMP, Senior Coastal Engineer for CBCL Consulting
Presenting on behalf of TC Atlantic Region
Megan Roche, BSc, Climate Change and Environmental Analyst, Calgary Airport Authority
Presenting on behalf of Calgary Airport Authority
Sophie Donoghue, Research Officer, Transport Canada
The Transportation Assets Risk Assessment (TARA) initiative at Transport Canada (TC) provides funding to assess the impacts of the changing climate on federally-owned and/or federally-managed transportation assets such as bridges, ports and airports. Potential adaptation solutions can then be identified to help increase asset resilience. This webinar showcased how established climate risk assessment tools and frameworks have been put into practice for three TARA-funded projects and described how the tools and frameworks have been adapted to facilitate decision-making to incorporate climate risks into asset management and business practices.
Presenters were representatives for three TARA-funded projects: Public Services and Procurement Canada’s Climate risk assessment of a portion of the Alaska Highway using the United States Federal Highway Administration’s Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Framework; TC Atlantic Region’s climate risk assessment of ferry terminals, using the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction’s Public Infrastructure Engineering Vulnerability Committee (PIEVC) framework; and Calgary Airport Authority’s climate risk assessment of the Calgary International and Springbank airports, using the United States Transportation Research Board’s Airport Climate Risk Operational Screening (ACROS) tool.
Click below to view Presentation Slides:
- Part 1 – English – i) Introduction to the TARA initiative, and ii) Infrastructure Vulnerability and Risk Assessment (VRA) Due to Changing Climate and Extreme Weather Events
- Part 2 – English – i) Transport Canada – Atlantic Canada’s Climate Risk Assessment of Ferry Terminals, and ii) TARA: Climate Risk Assessment Tools and Frameworks
- Part 1 – French – i) Introduction à l’initiative ERAT, et ii) Évaluation de la vulnérabilité et des risques des infrastructures (EVR) en raison du changement climatique et des phénomènes météorologiques extrêmes
- Part 2 – French – i) Transports Canada – Évaluation des risques climatiques des terminaux de traversiers de la région de l’Atlantique, et ii) ERAT : Webinaire sur les outils et cadres d’évaluation des risques climatiques