Joan Nodelman

Joan Nodelman has devoted over 40 years working for a cleaner environment. As a management specialist, Joan promotes smooth, efficient approaches for organizing work. She believes that efficient systems save time and money, reduce operation and maintenance costs, and improve working conditions for both management and staff. Efficiency also reduces problems in managing our infrastructure, improving our ability to respond effectively to the challenge of climate change.
Joan’s major strength is her ability to co-ordinate diverse groups of individuals and stakeholders. She has applied these skills to projects covering greenhouse gas mitigation, developing the Alberta Specified Gas Emitters Regulation, and subsequent work on greenhouse gas derivative and trading programs. On the adaptation front, she co-ordinated the formation of the Public Infrastructure Engineering Vulnerability PIEVC advisory group and co-authored the resultant PIEVC assessment tool.
As a risk management professional, she continues to consult on hazard interdependencies between social and engineered systems. Additionally, she adds her expertise to the development and delivery of Nodelcorp University courses, podcasts, and other products that help improve the lifestyle and productivity of our climate challenged future.
Joan has a B.Sc. in Biology from the University of Toronto. As well, she has a Bachelor of Education, and Master of Business Administration from Queen’s University. She holds a Canadian Risk Management (CRM) professional.