Adapting Mi’kmaq Communities of Prince Edward Island to Climate Change Impacts

December 11, 2019
Presented by:
- Randy Angus (Director, Integrated Resource Management, Mi’kmaq Confederacy of PEI)
- Don Jardine ( Senior Scientist, DE Jardine Consulting)
- Dr. Adam Fenech ( Associate Dean of Science, School of Climate Change and Adaptation, University of Prince Edward Island)
The First Nation Adapt Program of Crown Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada has provided valuable financial assistance to First Nation Communities on Prince Edward Island (PEI) for the development of plans to respond and prepare for the impacts of a changing climate. PEI First Nation Communities are very vulnerable to the impacts of sea level rise, coastal erosion and changing climatic conditions with many critical infrastructure components at risk to climate related events. Key elements for adaptation include completion of a climate change vulnerability assessment, adaptation planning, evaluation of the costs and benefits of climate change adaptation options, emergency management planning for climate related events and risk of forest fires and drought. Community consultations are an essential component of the development of plans to enable local input by community members. Technological tools utilized to obtain the relevant data required to develop the appropriate responses include LiDAR (light detection and ranging) and aerial photo procurement, unmanned aerial vehicles (drones), CLIVE visual technology, bathymetric surveys and climate model assessment.