An Introduction to Canada’s Adaptation Platform – Equipping Canadians for a Changing Climate

October 12, 2017
Presented by:
- Don Lemmen (Research Manager, Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Division, Natural Resources Canada)
- Dominique Auger (Policy Analyst, Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Division, Natural Resources Canada)
- Monica Harvey (Policy Analyst, Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Division, Natural Resources Canada)
- Fiona Warren (Senior Science Advisor, Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Division, Natural Resources Canada)
Canada’s climate change Adaptation Platform, chaired by Natural Resources Canada, facilitates collaboration among a wide range of members towards increasing the resilience of industry and communities to a changing climate. Members, who are producers and users of adaptation knowledge and tools, include representatives from federal, provincial, and territorial governments, industry sectors, communities, researchers, and Indigenous, professional, and not-for-profit organizations. Additionally, Regional Adaptation Collaboratives, including the Pan-Territorial Adaptation Partnership, help disseminate Platform results. One key initiative is Canada in a Changing Climate: Advancing our Knowledge for Action, a series of authoritative science and information products about Canada’s changing climate, its impacts, and how we are adapting to support sound adaptation decisions and actions.