Great Lakes Water Level Dashboard
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has developed the Great Lakes Water Level Dashboard and the Great Lakes Hydro-Climate Dashboard for use by practitioners in monitoring lake levels and forecasts for the Great Lakes. The Water Level Dashboard provides users with the ability to view lake levels and forecasts in a variety of timescales. The Hydro-Climate Dashboard adds hydro-climate data sets to water level information, allowing users to directly compare the Great Lakes water levels with the primary drivers of their fluctuation. The Hydro-Climate tool includes data sets for Monthly precipitation, runoff, over-lake evaporation, net basin supply and ice cover.
The Great Lakes Dashboard tools are hosted by NOAA’s Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL). The GLERL further supports climate change impact and adaptation research by providing access to real-time meteorological and water level data from satellites; hydrology and hydraulics data (such as stream flow, evaporation and water temperature measurements), meteorology and weather data (temperature, wind speed and precipitation), ice and snow data, waves and circulation data.