

CRI is proud to announce the hiring of a new President. Stephanie Gagnon is an accomplished business leader and an award-winning professional planner dedicated to leading sustainability and climate initiatives. Her expertise lies in strategic leadership, sustainability and climate planning, collaboration and engagement, capacity-building, and governance. Read more...


Press Release - Announcement - Leadership Transition at the Climate Risk Institute







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CRI Core Initiatives

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Public Infrastructure Engineering Vulnerability Committee (PIEVC) Program


The PIEVC Protocol is a rigorous, structured process to support screening level assessments of climate-related vulnerabilities and risks related to public infrastructure. Learn more


Courses in Climate Resilience


CRI supports professionals with training to develop additional competencies in planning, designing, and managing climate resilient infrastructure assets and their components. Check out all our courses!


Create, Collaborate, Connect, Cultivate


CanAdapt is a climate adaptation capacity-building hub that provides a responsive platform for training, education, communities of practice, and information resources. Learn more about CanAdapt

Guided by a mission

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CRI’s mission is to build climate change adaptation capacity, advance best practices, and deliver services for risk assessment and resiliency planning in Canada and abroad.


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Canada-based, serving the Globe
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Climate Risk Institute

935 Ramsey Lake Road

Sudbury, Ontario

P3E 2C6
